Zero Carbon


Renewable Energy Solutions

 Wind, Sun, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

Zero Carbon Changes The Paradigm

The self-imposed urge by the West European countries to reduce the emission of carbon to zero by 2050 has created opportunities for states, where sunshine or wind exist in plenty. With an immediate upgrade there is a chance to become a hydrogen producing nation and skip several of the unessential technological steps in the supply of sustainable power. With capacities in providing energy and the logistics behind it, trade with Europe can open a new chapter in peaceful relations focusing on mutual interests of whole continents.

In The Driver’s Seat With H2 Power


Reliable Energy: Security And Political Stability

Nevertheless, renewable hydrogen power production opens a literally bright future, where industrial use of H2 and fuel cells as well as private use generates incomes, creates infrastructure and brings prosperity to people. The German targets for the 2030 Climate Protection Program can only be satisfied by a hydrogen pact with stakeholders representing the Southern hemisphere.

Hitech solutions, e.g. made in Germany, are obviously not overcoming the constant lack of climate-friendly energy production here. Although the German Minister of Education and Research proclaims on November 3, 2019 in Handelsblatt: „With hydrogen partnerships for production and transport we are opening the energy markets and the road to prosperity for African nations“, the chance is here to become more than partners at the short end of the table. The economic future of Europe lies partly in the hands of those producing carbon free energy. The Momentum is on those areas having a climate with plenty of sun and wind.

Multiple Industrial Uses of Zero Carbon Hydrogen Power in Africa and Eastern Europe

The uses are as endless as the number of industries relying on electrical power. They range from agriculture over processing of food and beverages to all kinds of electrical power-driven engines in heavy industries, like steel or mechanical engineering. The combination of sun and wind starts rolling the turbine of emission-free energy. Zero Carbon mobility as a key, be it ships, trains or vehicles of all sizes, will bring wealth to developing countries by creation of infrastructure and steadily enhancing productivity.

Hydrogen Production And Trade: A Chance To End The Developing Country- or LDC-Status

The demand for Zero Carbon energy will be enormous in the future. Here lies a significant future opportunity for certain stakeholders to position themselves as global suppliers of this type of energy. The dealership and trade could be at least three-fold: Inhouse for energy supply of one’s own factories. Within the country as supplier to other industries and the public. And third, as supplier and logistics energy partners for international customers.

Energy Parks

The best way to show all services to the public can be to build energy grounds. Market your leading position by inviting the nation to learn about sensitive environmental issues. For potential buyers it will be the best way showcase your offer, start the business process and learn about you as the best solution provider for the implementation of hydrogen and fuel cells as well as for solar thermal energy. From private households to industrial scale with 5 kW to 100 MW or national scale of 3 GW.

assoluta Consulting – What can we do for your business?

Today the hydrogen/ fuell cell technology is ready to produce between 1 megawatt to 100 megawatt per day. Technological leadership can often be associated with European or German companies. If requested our advisory boutique can help you to identify financial solutions, funds and assistance. Assoluta consulting brings our clients together with the right persons, technologies and ideas behind them. With our experience we accompany you in all steps of a project to get the best deal from the first talks to implementing an Energy Park. We talk to the relevant stakeholders and communicate your intentions into the business culture of your partners. The political will in Europe is a major driver in the further technological development of Zero Carbon. This creates a very wide range of opportunities for investment into our clients‘ leadership.